Dr. Benjamin Morrell is 1 of 14 children. He was raised in the humble countryside of Oklahoma. Since he was a young boy Dr. Morrell always had a sensitivity and ‘old soul’ quality to him allowing him to feel deeply and connect with strong emotions that would later on allow him to understand the inner workings of the human mind on an intuitive level. 


Through traumatic events and adversity early in his life he developed a deep purpose and passion to help others do the same. At 18 he dedicated his life’s work to becoming a doctor in order to have access to help people at the highest level.


From humble beginnings at community college to graduating Summa Cum Laude and eventually receiving his Doctorate of Medicine from University Of Oklahoma, Dr. Benjamin understands what it takes to start from the bottom. Dr. Morrell believes in not only healing but to see his clients and patients truly thrive and succeed.


Dr. Morrell sees the mind as just one part of the healing process and understands true healing requires that we look at the entirety of our lives. He uses the principles of Integrative Medicine to assess your life and help bring balance to all areas.


 Being a physician is the least interesting thing about Dr. Morrell. First he is a son, a brother in Christ, a friend, a fiancé and dog dad. His mission is to uplift as many people in this world as he possibly can.

Dr. Morrell is a keynote speaker, entrepreneur, philanthropist, mental health advocate and the host of LIT CLINIC Podcast on Spotify where he hosts guests from all walks of life to share wisdom and free resources on mental health. Through his work he was been able to help dozens of individuals and families alike to achieve their dreams.


3 ways to get started together





Implement the latest science-backed strategies and proven lifestyle medicine practices to naturally improve your brain health and your life — now and in the future.


Book a session





Gain insight and clarity on how to build your best life with one-on-one coaching. Together, we’ll design a plan for your unique situation.


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Not sure which one is for you? Book a free 30 minute consultation to see which program is the best fit for your future.


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"Personally, he has helped me reach new levels of peak performance. On top of that, he helped alleviate my rheumatoid arthritis. I feel better than I have in years and am currently on no medication."


"The services I have received have completely changed my life. I went from being hospitalized to being excited to wake up each morning. I have been taught that everything is within yourself and you have the power to build the life you both want and deserve."


I've had the most positive and life altering experience with Dr. Morrell. I highly recommend him for anyone who wants to get healthier and overall upgrade their way of life. He has truly done wonders for me!” 


"Personally, he has helped me reach new levels of peak performance. On top of that, he helped alleviate my rheumatoid arthritis. I feel better than I have in years and am currently on no medication."


"The services I have received have completely changed my life. I went from being hospitalized to being excited to wake up each morning. I have been taught that everything is within yourself and you have the power to build the life you both want and deserve."


I've had the most positive and life altering experience with Dr. Morrell. I highly recommend him for anyone who wants to get healthier and overall upgrade their way of life. He has truly done wonders for me!